Kinesiology is a wonderful holistic therapy that encompasses the whole person - body, mind and spirit. I offer a safe, private and personal service that is attuned to your individual needs.
Developed in the 1960's twelve doctors worked on the research into muscle testing which is the main tool used by Kinesiologists. It taps into the body’s bio-feedback mechanism to gain information and read levels of imbalance in the body.
In every session it's my role to look beyond the symptoms and fully investigate what factors are causing any dis-ease or imbalance. This will include:
Mental - thoughts and feelings, trauma, lifestyle
Chemical - diet, environment, supplementation
Physical - injuries, operations, posture, lifestyle
Energetical - chakras, meridians, aura, electro magnetic influence
Many of my clients find a kinesiology balance excellent for improving their mental health and wellbeing. Treatments are relaxing and empowering and results are much much more effective when my clients commit to taking personal responsibility and improving their own health regime. I will make suggestions such as dietary changes, nutritional supplements, relaxation techniques and lifestyle ideas.
Some of the issues that kinesiology can help with:
• Physical wellbeing
• Processing shock and trauma
• Releasing negative effects of sadness, fear, guilt and anger
• Feeling stuck or disconnected
• Clarity, focus and awareness
• Easing emotional or mental stress
As a natural health practitioner, I am not allowed to make any claims on my website that treatments I offer can help with specific medical conditions or symptoms you may be suffering.

Kinesiology for whole wellness

For emotional wellbeing
For diet and lifestyle
For spiritual growth
For personal development